IJC ODAC: October 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
「 sunset on 7:35 PM 」

Mawai Camp

Please take note the date for the camp has been brought forward to 28 Nov (morning) to 30 Nov.
For those who are going prom... just sleep on the bus.
Please fill in the new forms that can be obtained from Mr lee or me.


study hard pple...


* we're all in this together ! *

Tuesday, October 16, 2007
「 sunset on 10:09 PM 」

check u're emails and do not delete anything from mr daniel lee!
read it first.

take care pple.
the weathers kindof cold lately.
love u all.

* we're all in this together ! *

Sunday, October 14, 2007
「 sunset on 4:28 PM 」

Mawai Camp
fri 7 dec to 9 dec.
for those who have submitted the edusave/consent form, pls sms dwayne ur passport expire date, email, parent/guardian emergency contact no asap.
for those who haven't obtain the form and want to go, please sms me or se mr lee asap.



* we're all in this together ! *

so sad school's over.
this place is getting kindof quiet.
hope odac outings will continue till many many years later....
cant wait for the MAWAI trip.
will miss odac. alot.

but the A's are coming.
all the best to everyone and jiayou.
if u're doing that i doubt u will see this and thats good.
but oh well.
love odac forever!


* we're all in this together ! *